Monday, April 25, 2011



I got your email but I don't know where the podcast is either :(

I will try my best to make sure everything is on there!

Last Day!

It's finally here! The day of our presentation! See you tonight ladies!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Presentation Meeting

I could met Wednesday at 5, but I could not before our presentation. I will be coming right fromour presentation from work. On Wednesday I only have til 5:45. Let me know the final decision.

Oh no!

I've been forgetting to post on the blog a few times! Maybe if I post enough times this week Kelsey will decide she really likes me and give me the points!


Our presentation is on Monday the 25th, not the 28th! I am available to work on it on Wednesday (April 20th) between 5 and 7:30 if that works for everyone otherwise we could meet before the presentation on Monday! What time is it on Monday? I think it's 7:30 but I am not sure!

Is there anything that you guys would like me to work on since I will not be in class today??

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Presenation is fast arriving!

Hi everyone~ Tomorrow is our last class session before our presention on Moday the 28th. I think we should meet all together sometime before the 28th to get ready for the presentation. I have Tues eveing open or Wednesday 2-4 or over the weekend. Let me know what y'all think!

Monday, April 11, 2011

So excited to finally be done with this project...there is so much to do for it!

Let me know if there is something you would like me to do regarding the home and standards pages!
Web page: Game paln, I will finish both of my webpages by the end of class today. Everything is looking good so far.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The final project is off toa good start.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Update on life

So this weekend I went shopping and I got so many summer dresses...I can't wait for it to finally be warm!! Yay!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Website Outline

I'm going to work on an outline for our website. I'll have it done by next class. We can always change things if you guys don't like what I come up with. But can you ladies let me know what all of your lessons were about so I make sure I incorporate it into the outline. Thanks!!
Web page game plan 2: Lots of good info in the lecture today, I have taken notes on it all, so its easy peasy when we create our website.

Web Page Game Plan

--standards (does not count)
--food pyramid


So sad that pretty little liars is over :( It was so scary.  I guess I will have to find a new show until it comes back on next season.  Anyways this whole project seems pretty intense. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Podcast So Far

Welcome to our classroom (welcome them)
we are learning about.....
Concepts out of the book...lesson plans done/will be doing/integrate book
Update parents/overview of 1project based learning- concept
---project based learning is ....
we as teachers did mind maping- 2 concept map using inspiration we have 3 phases of our concept map constanly reviewing
3-culture -google maps/epals
4-final project
6-windows movie maker-creating stories
what lessons we have done before. 


Welcome parents, thank you for joining us for our team kitchen podcast.   The teachers of Team Kitchen are Emily, Sara, and Val.  As you know in our classrooms we have been doing project based learning.  For those of you who do not remember project based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real world problems and challenges.  Our class project that we have been working on is creating a classroom restaurant. The first step in our project was for us to brainstorm ideas.  We did this by creating several concept maps, improving them each time.    Eventually we narrowed our focus and decided what we would do various lessons on. 

Throughout this whole project we have been connecting with our sister school in Italy.  The students in Rome as well as our students have been working together to learn about each other's culture, specifically relating to food. 

One of the activities we have done so far was to have the children work with maps to find the distance between our school and our sister school.  Once the children completed this task they were assigned a country to research.  When doing the research the children found recipes and learned about their countries traditions. 

Currently in our classroom we are working with our sister school on researching about Italian recipes as they are working with us on what is typical American food.  The students have been using Skype to communicate with one another.  They will be making an Italian dish at home and bringing it in to present to our classroom.  Parents put your apron's on!

The students also learned about kitchen safety.  The children brainstormed about rules that they thought were important when cooking.  We then watched movies on safety and first aid.  After the movie the children made a class list on what they believed were the top 10 rules that need to be followed in the kitchen.  The list is provided on the class website for your reference. 

Next week we will be doing a lesson on table manners.  Parents we all know that they need it, hopefully their will be no more flinging food at the table! They will be researching basic table manners.  After compiling all of their research they will be putting on a skit to demonstrate what they learned. 

As you know our field trip to the local restaurant will be next Thursday.  Please send in permission slips by this Friday, if you need another copy they are posted on the class website.  The goal of this field trip is for the students to learn all of the different roles that people play when working in a restaurant.  Students will be taking notes of their observations.  Once back in the classroom we will collect data on what roles students found most interesting.  After the students will explore a different role in the restaurant and write a short story on what it is like to be that person. 

As you know all of this restaurant research is working toward having a classroom restaurant presentation.  Which will be held Friday April 8th at 11:30.  Parents you are more than welcome to join us and we would love to have volunteers.  Please email one of us with your availability. 
Thank you and have a great day!


I will bring my book next week! So you lovely ladies don't have to worry about it!!

Podcast update!

Our podcast is going great. The script is complete, so all that is left is the actual stodio recording day!

Monday, March 7, 2011


-we can each talk about one of our lesson plans for what we just completed or is due soon, what is being discussed now and what will be coming up.
-we can also talk about other random things that could be going on in our classroom or something that the parents need to fill out and send it (like a permission slip). 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lesson Plan 2 Topic Idea

Pizza toppings!
The idea for my lesson plan is "What dishes do our sister school students
in Italy eat the most?"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Movie Topic

I will be doing my movie topic on recipes, and how it is important to follow the recipe exactly.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am doing my video either on kitchen safety or making a menu.

Movie Making

I am making my movie on the steps we will be completing in the kitchen and following directions.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I am doing mine on cultures of the countries that we will travel to, to get to our sister school. They will have to use the map that we made to come up with the countries that they will pass through and then research their cultures

Lesson Plan 1

I will be doing a lesson on table manners. The students will research table manners in the U.S and Italy, comparing and contrasting them.
I am going to have students research differnt italian foods, the imngredients used in them, and different recipe ideas. From this students will create their own Italian Recipe, and make the food that correlates to the recipe. The lesson will help students to gain a better understanding of some of the foods the students at their sister school will be taking part in.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Google Map

View Kalamazoo to Italy in a larger map

Problem for Students: Pretend we are going to take a class trip to visit our partner school in Rome, Italy. Figure out the distance from Kalamazoo to Rome. If we were to fly there, how long would it take us to get there? Now, say we wanted to drive to the coast and take a boat the rest of the way. Decide on a route to drive to the coast, listing the states we would go through, and how long it would take us to get there. Then, figure out how long a boat ride from the coast to Italy would take.

Google Docs- ePals Assignment

My Websites for Kitchen Project

My Web Links

Web Links

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thoughts on Inspiration

i really enjoyed learning about Inspiration. I found the information very useful not only for this class but also for my current teaching postion.

Concept Map A